Voting has Begun
I have entered in this Etsy BeadWeavers June Challenge!
So, Vote for “ME” if you feel that mine is the best. I’m number 10!! Casablanca Photo Ribbon Bracelet.
Go To
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, bracelet, cuff, ebwc, Photo Ribbon, pink pooch designs by PinkPoochDesigns | 1 comments
I Finally Figured It Out!!!
So, I made these plastic shrink bracelet "beads" (I'm calling them "beads", only because I can't figure out what else to call them).
You can see from the side view that I made them to curve around a wrist. I have had them for a couple months and could never really figure out what I was going to do with them. The couple things I had thought of just didn't work.
I knew I would be able to figure how to make them into a bracelet. Well, the time has come and I have the best idea EVER. But, I can't tell you. You will just have to keep checking back to see what I have done with them. Oh, how I love secrets! He He He :O)
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, cuff, jewelry, New style bracelt, pink pooch designs by PinkPoochDesigns | 8 comments
NEW ~ Elizabeth Taylor Snapshot Bracelet
This bracelet is a take off of my other Famous Faces Photo Ribbon bracelets.
I made this Elizabeth Taylor bracelet so it will fit many different size wrist. It's a 6-1/4 bracelet and has a 2-1/2 Extension.
I used a brick stitch with Delica Seed beads and japanese cube beads in shades of black, white and silvers.
It has a sterling silver adjustable clasp.
Every Famous Faces Bracelet comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and will be packages in a beautiful pink gift box.
You can purchase this bracelet or any of my Photo Ribbon and Snapshot bracelets at my Etsy Shop,
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, black, bracelet, Brick stitch, cuff, ebw, Elizabeth Taylor, gray, jewelry, New style bracelt, pink pooch designs, seed beads, silver, Snapshot Bracelet by PinkPoochDesigns | 7 comments
NEW ~ I Love Lucy!!
I thought it would be fun to make a bracelet of Lucille Ball in color because of her red hair, hot red lips and beautiful blue eyes.
This bracelets measures 1-5/16" wide and is 7" in length.
Colors include skin tones shades of orange, slate blue, bright red, white and sliver.
Certificates of Authenticity with each of my Photo Ribbon bracelet.
You can purchase this bracelet or any of my Photo Ribbon and Snapshot bracelets at my Etsy Shop,
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, black, bracelet, color, cuff, ebw, jewelry, Lucille Ball, orange, Photo Ribbon, pink pooch designs, seed beads, silver, white by PinkPoochDesigns | 8 comments
A Sneak Peek!!
This is a new bracelet I'm working on, Lucille Ball in Color. I thought with her red hair it would look really amazing and I think so far it does. What do you think?
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, jewelry, Lucille Ball, Photo Ribbon, pink pooch designs, seed beads by PinkPoochDesigns | 9 comments
Etsy BeadWeavers May Challange ~ GO VOTE!!!
and vote for your favorite piece!
Voting starts May 7th

1. Food Chain in the Enchanted Garden -
Pouch by enchantedbeads
2. Honeycomb Choker by
3. Ocean Fish Necklace by nancygould
4. catkill cuff by thebeadedlily
5. Web of Life Collar by nemeton
6. The Food Chain by artzilla
7. Feeding Frenzy by myfairladyvt4
8. not lovin' it - Peyote Cuff
Bracelet by SandFibers
9. Ouroborus by lolos
10. Dragonfly Amulet Bag by Emarah
11. Know Your Place . . . In the Food Chain -
Peyote Cuff by SandFibers
12. Plants and Sunshine by
13. Reef by Moonlight by
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, ebw, ebwc, etsy beadweaver May Challenge, the food chain by PinkPoochDesigns | 2 comments
Featured Artist, Cozy
After you go to her shop, stop by Cozy's Blog! You won't be disappointed!!
by PinkPoochDesigns | 2 comments
Peacock Earrings
Ok, I haven't listed or posted anything new in a long time. This is my reason, I have been working on special orders, Woo Hoo!!
I want to show you what I'm working on now, "Peacock Earrings", I'm still working on them. They need fringe. This is something very different from what I do, but, I was asked if I could make them. I started making them, I think last week. It's taking me a long time to do them, but, I'm having fun! So, here is my attempt!
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, Brick stitch, peacock earrings by PinkPoochDesigns | 8 comments
Dreaming Diva, Must Read!!
I just wanted to share with you all a blog that I just LOVE reading, her blog brings a smile to my face every time.
It's Jen from, aka "Juicy Adventures of a dreaming Diva".
So, here’s my story of how the Dreaming Diva changed my day around.
A couple weeks ago I was really having a terrible couple of days. I was feeling sorry for myself (I’ll save you the boring details) and I was sulking. All I wanted to do is sit and eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Phish food (if you haven’t tried it, all I can say is that it’s a pint on heaven) and watch a chick flick.
The next day when I went to work and opened Jen’s blog (I’m supposed to be working… Shhhh, don’t tell my boss), her post for that day was called “Dust off your Diva!” this post was so motivating I can’t even tell you. You have to read it! I have to thank her for kicking me in my Diva tush and helping me to Dust off my inner Diva!
All I have to say is that the Juicy Adventures of a Dreaming Diva’s blog is a must read, you can feel through her writing that she is the sweetest person and that she is loving life! So, whenever I feel a little sorry for myself, opening Jen’s blog is a must. I can count on her for having a post that will change my day.
Thank you to the Dreaming Diva for your motivating blog!
Posted in Great blog read, Juicy dreaming diva, loving life by PinkPoochDesigns | 5 comments
I Want To Know Who You Like?
I really do, I want to know who you would like to see on a bracelet. If you have never looked at my shop on Etsy or what I make, please do You will see that I mainly make bracelets of older celebrities, like Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Bettie Page (One of the first pin-up girls), Elvis and James Dean.
I do also have newer celebrities, Princess Diana, Ellen DeGeneres and Miley Cyrus and there are others.
What I want to know are the older celebrities. I do have a lot of older ones in mind. But, I want your input on this!!
Who do you think would look really nice as one of my Photo Ribbons or Snapshot bracelets?
Posted in Audrey Hepburn, beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, bracelet, cuff, ebw, Marilyn Monroe, Photo Ribbon, pink pooch designs, princess diana, seed beads, Snapshot Bracelet by PinkPoochDesigns | 12 comments
Present For My Best Friend
First I have to thank Carol Dean from SandFibers for the inspiration of this necklace and the beautiful focal bead from Artisan Clay.
I'm going to the 40th birthday party of my best friend from high school. I wanted to give her something special and really couldn't think of anything. Until I saw the necklace from Sandfibers, I absolutely love the necklace Carol Dean created. So, I decided to purchase a focal bead from Artisan Clay. If you haven't visited her shop you have to go there now!
With the inspiration from Carol Dean and gorgeous focal bead I made her something from the heart.
I think she is going to love it, I know I do!!
This necklace is very different from what I make and I just made it for my friend. I will not be making it to sell in my shop. I found the inspiration from a fellow BeadWeaver and will not copy the idea for my benefit.
by PinkPoochDesigns | 7 comments
I Have a New Look
Well, What do you all think!! I just absolutely LOVE it!!
I need to thank Elaine for all her hard work and amazing talent.
So, I have a new logo and have a new look to my blog and it looks so sophisticated.
New packaging is in the works, along with new business cards, hand tags, labels and one of the best things ever certificates of authenticity.
So, let me know what you all think!
Elaine you are just phenomenal!!!! Thank You for everything, your ideas for Pink Pooch Designs are perfect. Your guidance, I could not do with out.
by PinkPoochDesigns | 23 comments
I'm featured Again
Hey Everyone,
I'm featured on Juicy Jens blog. If you don't know her blog it's an adventure to read. So, put it on your blogs to read list.
Well, here's the link to read the feature!
Juicy Jen's Blog
by PinkPoochDesigns | 6 comments
A Poem about Me!
As some of you might know, I am a member of an amazing community called Divapreneur!
There is one Diva (Pansy) that composed these amazing poems. I just wanted to share a poem written about me. Pansy wrote this from reading my profile. It's the same profile I use on Etsy.
I hope you enjoy it!!
A little Diva gathered...
From her papa's drawer...
The ingredients she needed...
To make something more...
As time ticked on...
And brought the dawn...
Of new and shining days...
The Diva grew...
And added to her ways...
She plucked and planted...
Sketched and ranted...
In a myriad of things...
To all who see her creations...
A smile it does bring...
Earthy clay...
Has given way...
To her Diva hands...
Molding & Melding...
Across these artistic lands...
She has a love...
She plainly states...
A passon that stirs...
This Diva soul of hers..
Posted in Poems, profile by PinkPoochDesigns | 5 comments
Woo Hoo!!! Voting Started for the EBWC
AMAZING talent
and don't forget to vote go to
I'm #14 Tattoo Flames Bracelet - Don't feel pressured to vote for me, but I hope you do :0)
1. Flaming Roses by artzilla
2. Hades Garden Beadwoven Bracelet by myfairladyvt4
3. The Flower of Fire Brooch by enchantedbeads
4. Flames and Flowers by enchantedbeads
5. Le Sacre du Printemps- Blue Flame by SalamanderHouse
6. Slave Bracelet- Blue Flames on Rose Buds by valhallaforge
7. Hana-Bi by thebeadedlily
8. Blaze - Peyote Cuff Bracelet by totallytwisted
9. Flame Flower Necklace by clairecreations
10. Fire Daisy Choker by nemeton
11. Mephaestus and Pan by ThreeFatesDesign
12. Fire and Flowers Bracelet by Emarah
13. Blazing Blossoms Amulet Necklace Waiting Room Series 2 by cigarboxbeads
14. Tattoo Flames Bracelet by PinkPoochDesigns
15. Firewheel by SweetFreedom
16. LUCIFER'S TONGUE Beaded Lariat by dawnchastain
17. Flower of Fire's Heart by DantesSpirit
18. Huang by SilverDragon
19. Flamboyant Flower Brooch by enchantedbeads
20. Mi Cala en Llamas by lolos
21. Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire by jstinson
22. Petals of Flame Bracelet by AmethystRavenstar
23. Fire and Flowers by BeadedKeepsakes
24. Blazing Flowers by triz
25. Fire Lotus by hands2heal
26. Fire Blossom by playnwithbeads
27. Flower of Flame by onathousandhills
28. A Moth to Fire and Flowers by PFordCustomJewelry
29. Ring of Fire by ThePreciousBeads
30. Summer Flame by SandFibers
Posted in beadweaving, beadwork, ebw, ebwc, etsy beadweaver April Challenge, Fire and Flowers by PinkPoochDesigns | 2 comments
Feeatured Artist, Stormy Designs
Stormy Designs offers unique sculptures, art, home decor, art jewelry and accessories.
This is a great shop , you should go and stop by to see her beautiful creations!!!

Dragon Sculpture-One Of A Kind

OOAK Red and Blue Abstract Flower Bracelet

Exotic Leaf Earrings-Red and Green Designer

Daisy necklace
by PinkPoochDesigns | 2 comments
Diamonds and Daisies
Aprils birthstone is the diamond and it's flower is the Daisy.
I just love rings, I'm always looking on etsy for new and different ones. So, I thought that I would show you a couple rings to fit the theme.

Posted in April Blog Carnival, etsy blogger by PinkPoochDesigns | 4 comments
Tattoo Flames Bracelet ~ Etsy Beadweaver April Challenge Piece
I made this bracelet for the EBWC, the theme is Fire and flowers.
It also helped me with the urge to get a tattoo but, I'm to scared to do it. So, this was the first thing I thought of tattoo flames. I hope you all like it, I know I had a lot of fun making it.
I'd love to hear feedback about this bracelet, I'm thinking of doing a line of tattoo inspired jewelry.
This an entry for the Etsy Beadweaver Team April Challenge. The theme is Fire and Flowers. Visit the teams blog at:
Voting begin on April 7th.
To see all the challenge entries, type in EBWC at in the Etsy search and visit the Blog.
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, black, bracelet, cuff, ebwc, fire, flames, flowers, jewelry, seed beads, tattoo by PinkPoochDesigns | 6 comments
Everyone has one, here's mine!!!
I feel everyone who makes handcrafted items has a crafting disaster. So, that doesn't leave me out. Last week I was trying to make a new Snapshot bracelet.
I wanted to try a new face, I decided to make May West. Having never tried to bead her before it would be a challenge, as with all the other first time patterns. Most of the time when I'm making a new face the pattern has to be adjusted as you bead, it looks better on paper than it does when beaded. So, this was no different, I must have taken it apart a least 5 times.
Finally I decided just to finish beading it and cross my finger that it would come out like the others did, "GOOD". Well, I was wrong. I don’t think you would look at this one and say, “Oh look it’s May West”, I don’t feel it looks like her.
What do you think, Does it look like her?
So, here is my crafting/beading disaster. I'm only human!!
Posted in beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, black, bracelet, cuff, ebw, gray, jewelry, May West, pink pooch designs, seed beads, silver, Snapshot Bracelet, white by PinkPoochDesigns | 3 comments
Here is my Handsome Boy!!
I just wanted everybody to see my Handsome boy Oscar. I love him so much, but he is the biggest cry baby. He cries all the time, but I love him.
Posted in animals, cat, orange cat, oscar by PinkPoochDesigns | 2 comments
I am a Divapreneur!!
I am very happy to tell everyone that I am a proud member of Divapreneur. Oh, I am so excited about this.
How this came about is, I was doing my drops for Entrecard and came across a blog called My Chic Things and just loved the design. Then I clicked on another blog called Girly Up The Web and the same thing, I thought it was beautiful. I also kept seeing Divapreneur on both of these blogs, I was very interested in it. But, I read that you had to be invited. I looked around both blogs to see if I could find out who designed them and I found out. Elaine Biss is her name. She designed both blogs.
The next day I got in contact with her about designing a new look for my blog, new logo and a new banner for etsy. We talked about my shop,what I wanted to do for my business, what she does, I found out that she is the owner for Divapreneur. Wow, I couldn't believe it.
She asked me if I would be interested in joining Divapreneur, of course I was interested. I also hired her for the new look. This is going to be one of the best things I could have ever done.
So keep a look out for my new look in the near future. Things are happening!!!
by PinkPoochDesigns | 9 comments
New Snapshot Bracelet
I have made a new type of bracelet, Snapshot bracelet and I have renamed my other bracelets to Photo Ribbon Bracelets. I have to admit I didn't come up with either name. I asked the Etsy beadweavers team and they helped me with them.
Well, here are 2 of the NEW Snapshot bracelets. I'm working on the third, I hope to have it done today and listed in my Etsy Shop. Take a look and leave a comment on who I should make next!!

Posted in Audrey Hepburn, beaded, beads, beadweaving, beadwork, black, bracelet, cuff, ebw, gray, jewelry, Marilyn Monroe, New style bracelt, pink pooch designs, seed beads, silver, Snapshot Bracelet, white by PinkPoochDesigns | 8 comments