How do you like my NEW look?
I get bored very easily, so I thought it was time for a new look. This is how my blog use to look.
I love it, How do you like it? I would love to here from you! Your thoughts and defiantly suggestions. Maybe you have something on your blog that you like, things like that.I do want to thank Amanda at http://www.bloggerbuster.com/, I would not have been able to do this with out her amazing site. She has tips and trick, fixes, template and so much more. You should really check out her site, especially if your like me and kind of like the whole coding thing.
March 7, 2009 at 12:05 PM
I do like the new look Staci! I really like the sidebar being pink versus the whole background being pink! It's really cute!
March 7, 2009 at 2:25 PM
Hello...you new look is very pleasing to the eye.
It is very warm and inviting.
Also a nice touch for spring which is just around the corner for some Northern places.
Have a very nice day!
March 7, 2009 at 2:56 PM
I love it both ways but I just love pink...period. Now if only I could figure out how to get my blog to 3 columns I'd be happy. Great work.
March 7, 2009 at 3:36 PM
I really like your new look! I'm impressed that you did it all by yourself! I had to hire someone to do my blog since I'm clueless about that stuff! Anyway, you did an awesome job and it's pretty, feminine and well organized!
March 7, 2009 at 5:33 PM
Thank You everyone!! I couldn't have done it with out the Blogger Buster Blog.
I first found that site when I was looking to make my old blog a 3 column blog. She had really easy directions to follow. tstreasures, you should check it out. If you want I can find it for you and send you the link!!
March 8, 2009 at 2:41 PM
Staci - your blog looks great! I love, love, love the pink! :)