Me, Beading and my Journey
It started many years ago; I’m going to say about 8 years ago. I had had knee surgery and received a packet in the mail from Crafters Choice (they are a mail order company of crafting books, kind of like the mail order music, but crafting books). My mother, sister and nephew came to visit for a couple days (they live in New Jersey I was living in New York). So, my sister and I decided to order a couple book and one of the books was a wire jewelry book. When I received my books (the only one I remember was the Wire jewelry book) I looked through it and set it aside for about 2 years.I finally picked it back up when I was moving into my new apartment after my divorce (Oh, don’t feel sorry for me. It was the best thing that could have happen to me at that time in my life). I didn’t have to worry about spending money on wire and beads and feel guilty about it. Because it was my money and my money alone. I did some research and found a company called They sell jigs, beads and many things for beading. I bought their starter kit. It came with a jig, tools, wire and a book on how to make different items with their jig.
I made so many earrings, bracelets and necklaces. I sold a lot of jewelry. I never found it relaxing; I always found it a chore to make this wire jewelry. So, I started making less and less until I just stopped. Then one day I saw a magazine called Bead and buttons so I bought a copy. I liked it so much I bought a subscription. I saw in an issue, a bracelet that was reversible but was knitted. Oh, I just had to try it but, I had never knitted before, I had only crotched. So, I had to teach myself how to knit from online videos and step-by-step instructions.
I found the 0000 knitting needles that were needed to make these bracelets on eBay, bought the beads from fusion beads. It took me 2 bracelets to find the right thread to use. I ended up using Cotton Perl. I was a stringing and knitting fool. I made a lot of those bracelets but that was getting boring. Then I received the issue that changed me, and how I would bead forever. I saw a pattern of the Mona Lisa.
It was done in a peyote stitch which I had never done. I needed to make this, and my boyfriend’s sister was turning 30. She is a teacher for a children’s Museum so,I thought this would be the perfect gift. I ordered the 4 different colors they had suggested from Fire Mountain Gems. When the beads came in I looked in the back of the magazine under basics and taught myself the peyote stitch. I showed it to people at work and everyone loved it. One guy I worked with like it so much he asked me if I could make a bracelet for him of Che Guevara.
I said sure I don’t see why I can’t. But, I had no idea how I was going to do it at all. So, I got online and searched for a pattern of Che and came across a program called Bead Tools. This program was my savior. I was able to make a pattern and showed it to him. After making some changes I ordered the beads and made his bracelet. He then asked me to make one of the Puerto Rico flag.When his bracelet was done someone else at work saw what I was doing and asked me to make a bracelet of his daughter and then one of his 2 grand daughters (I never took a picture of this bracelet, It was a last minute Christmas gift. I didn't have the time)
In between those bracelets I started to make a Marilyn Monroe bracelet.I tried to sell that bracelet and the knitted bracelets on my own website (I designed it and the logo for the site along with my Pink Pooch Designs logo) (I have closed in the summer of 2008). But, as much as I advertised I couldn’t compete. Then as I was searching on Google for my key words I was paying for, one site kept coming up. That site was none other than Etsy. After checking it out I took the plunge and joined Etsy as And I haven’t looked back. I have many more bracelets like the marilyn Monroe. I call them "Photo Seed Bead Bracelets.