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Just some of my favorites  

I have been so busy with orders (which is a good thing) that I haven't had the time to do a blog post and I felt really bad. So, I have decided to show you and feature some of my favorites on etsy, for a little change of pace.

Thanks for being patient with me, I hope to be back on track very soon!

squarebakery's shop ~ Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes

myfairladyvt4's shop ~ Catching a Dream Abalone Freeform Bracelet

FebystanDesigns's shop ~ Little Moons Crocheted Earrings in olive green

Diffraction's shop ~ Plumage Bracelet

TheHouseOfMouse's shop ~ Hannibal Lecter Mouse

SandFibers's shop ~ Green Bargello Hearts Peyote Cuff (2289)

These are just a couple of my favorites. First I'm on a diet and I'm ALWAYS hungry, SO you hopefully can under stand my first choice. I just love greens, blues, teals, peacock colors and that Hannibal mouse is just so cute. I hope you enjoyed my favorites.

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